BULLETIN BY EMAIL – if you wish to receive a copy of the bulletin by email, please let us know by calling the parish office or send your request to [email protected].
MANY HAPPY YEARS! – Best wishes and God’s blessings to Taras Svystun, Nicholas Setlack, and to all who celebrate their birthdays or anniversaries. May God bless you with health, happiness and peace. Mnohaya Lita!
BEST WISHES AND GOD’S BLESSINGS – to Peter and Diane Woitas. Peter and Diane have been our most-dedicated caretakers at Dormition Parish for many years. We are very grateful for their faithful service to the community. Thank you!!! As Peter and Diane retire from their position, we extend to them our best wishes and God’s blessings. May God continue to bless you with health, happiness and peace. Mnohaya Lita!!!
SINCEREST THANKS – to all the volunteers to assisted with the Family Social event last Sunday. Also, sincerest gratitude to the Dormition Men’s Group for covering the costs of all associated expenses. May God bless!
CHRISTIAN INITIATION – Congratulations and best wishes to Jose Luis Diaz and Diana Brisse Amaya on the occasion of the Christian initiation of their newborn daughter, Amara Valeria Diaz. Amara was baptized on Saturday, June 8. The Christian Initiation is completed today with the Mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist. May God bless you and your family for many happy years!
DORMITION UCWLC – delivered food bank groceries to Our Lady of Peace School on Thursday, May 30th. The items were purchased in response to the needs of the school food program. The principal and vice principal expressed their heartfelt gratitude for our support in assisting some of the families in their school who are experiencing food insecurity. Special thanks to Virginia Sharek and Janet Konowalec for making the delivery to the school. May God bless!
BIBLE STUDY – We have finished our Bible Study of the Book of Exodus, and will take a break for the summer. Bible Study will resume in September 2024 with the study of the Book of Daniel.
MEN’S NIGHT –The next Men’s Night is scheduled to take place on Friday, June 21, 2024, at 7:00 pm. Guest Speaker: Patrick Schiller, Psychologist. Patrick will speak about the value and importance of strong male friendships and how to pursue strong and trusting relationships with others. He will also share what he was learned from experience as a psychologist dealing with men and the issued that they face today.
DONATIONS TO THE MEN’S GROUP ARE WELCOME! – Donations in support of our Parish Men’s Group, their future parish programs and charitable projects are most welcome! To make a donation, use a standard donation envelope and mark under “OTHER” – Men’s Group. Thank you!
WEEK OF JUNE 10-14 – Divine Liturgy will not be offered at Dormition Parish on Wednesday, June 12, Thursday, June 13, and Friday, June 14. Divine Liturgy will be celebrated on Saturday, June 15, 9:00 am, for the repose of +John Puto.
CHURCH FLOORING PROJECT – The scope of work for our flooring project has changed because of the need to level the floor in the church nave and sanctuary. The concrete has sagged, in some places up to 3 inches. We are currently waiting for estimates for mud-jacking, materials and installation. The cost will definitely exceed our initial budget of $25,000.00 dollars. Additional fundraising will be necessary, if we are to begin the renovation project on July 15th. Further information will be available in next week’s bulletin.
LITURGY TIME CHANGE FOR THE SUMMER – Beginning on Sunday, June 30, for the months of July and August, we will celebrate the first Divine Liturgy (Bilingual) at 9:00 am instead of 9:30 am. The second Divine Liturgy (Ukr) will remain at 11:30 am.
80TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE UCWLC – The Edmonton UCWLC invites all members and guests to the celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the UCWLC to be held on Saturday, June 15, 2024, at the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Church, 9003 153 Avenue, Edmonton. Moleben Service at 11:00 am. Lunch and program to follow in the parish hall. The cost of the luncheon is $25 per person. Please respond to Virginia Sharek by June 1st. Email: [email protected] or 780-434-1363.
UKRAINIAN SADOCHOK – current sessions for children ages 3-4 will end on Friday, June 21. Registrations for the 2024-2025 year will begin in July, and a new year of sessions (Wednesdays and Fridays, 9 am – 12 noon) will begin at the end of August and will continue to December. All sessions are conducted in Ukrainian. Spaces are limited. Our instructor is a qualified teacher from Ukraine, with many years of experience working with pre-school children. For more information, please contact Fr. Peter at [email protected] or 780-993-8037.
PARISH FEAST DAY – will be celebrated on Sunday, August 25, 2024, in close proximity to the Feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God (August 15). The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy (Bilingual) will be celebrated by Bishop David Motiuk at 10:00 am, followed by the Parish Feast Day Dinner in the Parish Hall. Further information will be provided in up-coming bulletins.
FOOD BANK DRIVE – In response to this urgent need, let all of us be generous in donation food to those who are in need of assistance. The following is a list of suggestions. Please leave your donations in the designated box in the church vestibule:
- Canned beans without pork
- Canned fish, meat, milk, stew, soups
- Canned fruit, vegetables, beans
- Dry cereals, beans, lentils, pasta, rice
- Baby formula, baby food, diapers
- Peanut butter (500g), jams
- Healthy school snacks
- Pasta & canned pasta sauce
- Cookies, crackers, packaged meals
- Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, flour, oil
- Salad dressings, ketchup mustard, pickles
- Toothpaste, toilet paper, bar soap
- Bath wash, razors, deodorant, dish soap.
If you wish to make a donation, cheques can be sent to: Edmonton Food Bank, P.O. Box 62061, Edmonton AB, T5M 4B5.
CARVEL: DIVINE LITURGY – will be celebrated on Sunday, June 16, at 4:00 pm. For the months of June, July and August, Divine Liturgy will be celebrated on the third Sunday of each month, at 4:00 pm.
ROCHFORD BRIDGE: BLESSING OF GRAVES – will take place at the Rochford Bridge Cemetery on Saturday, June 22, at 11:30 am. A light lunch will follow.
LAY LEADERSHIP AND DIACONATE FORMATION PROGRAM –The Eparchy of Edmonton is pleased to announce Year I (of a two-year program) of our Lay Leadership and Diaconate Formation Program in collaboration with Newman Theological College starting in September 2024. Each course consists of 10 online sessions, spanning 5 weeks, requiring some 4 hours of work per week (2 hours per lesson). No exams. Cost of registration per course $90.00 plus the cost of books. Sign up for an online course (or two or three) or even work towards a Certificate in Eastern Christian Traditions. To register, visit, or contact Andrea at [email protected] or Bernie [email protected] or call the Pastoral Centre (780) 424-5496.
PRAYER WARRIORS NEEDED – Help us cover the Pro-Life Movement and the Back Porch in prayer by signing up to pray at our chapel. Come pray with the Bubble Zone for vulnerable women and children, in their 11th hour, right across the street from the abortion clinic in Edmonton. We are looking for individuals who can commit to at least one hour per month. To start the registration process, go to The Back Porch: 10958 124 Street NW, 780-421-9941. [email protected]
CAMP OSELIA CHILDREN’S CAMP – «Join the Adventure at Camp Oselia! Discover the mystery of Jesus at our Ukrainian Catholic Camp from June 30-July 5 & July 7-12.
For children aged 8-14, enjoy a week full of faith, fun, and fellowship with activities like swimming, archery, and more.
Bilingual staff ensure a welcoming environment for all campers. Limited spots – Register now at! Interested in volunteering or have other questions? Contact Deacon Cyril at [email protected]»
ALTAR BOY’S CAMP – Calling all Knights of the Altar! The Eparchial Altar Boy camp will be held August 5 to 10, 2024 at Camp St. Basil’s for boys ages 7 years and older. The overnight camp is not only for boys who currently serve, but for those who are interested in learning about the many jobs involved in serving. The camp provides an opportunity for the boys to further develop their knowledge of serving, the important role they do, their Ukrainian Catholic Faith, and each other. The camp also includes sports, crafts, other activities and great food. For further information, contact Ken Stelmach at [email protected].
26TH CATHOLIC FAMILY LIFE CONFERENCE 2024 – “Crossing the Great Divide: The Power of Evangelization.” June 28 to July 1, 2024, at Lac Ste. Anne, AB. To register, visit the website: Registration questions: 780-920-7878.
UKRAINIAN BANDURIST CHORUS – UKRAINE LIVES. This concert will take place at the Francis Winspear Centre on Sunday, September 29th, 3:30 pm. Contact the Winspear Centre for tickets.