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#221 Our Lady’s Scouts is currently working on getting, registering and vetting adult volunteers.  After we are ready to go, then we will begin programs with children and youth (God willing, September???)

Our next meeting for those who would like to be involved (adult volunteers) will take place on Tuesday, May 31 at 8 pm  via zoom.  The link will be sent out to the “people interested in Scouts” list.

If you would like to get on the “people interested in Scouts” list, or if you have any questions about what we are planning to do with this Catholic Scouting group, please send Fr. Bo an email at [email protected]

And, at this time we are also working on setting up our own website, our URL: (which currently points to this page), our email addresses, our MailChimp Email sender-outer, our facebook and more.  (Thanks to Kevin & Marijana for working on these)


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How to Register as a Volunteer

From Katja our Scouting Relationship Manager:

Congrats 221st is ready for Scouters! I’ve attached Registration Instructions below divided into 2 categories. 1) Registering as a Scouter. 2) Becoming Active.

Registering as a Scouter:

  1. Create a MyScouts Account: go to and click on the #3 Button that says Volunteer for Scouts Canada. (Can also be found by hitting the big green VOLUNTEER button on
    1. This will take you to the Find a Group Page. From here put in the Church’s postal code: T5P 4G5 and Select “Group Committee” or the Section you’re volunteering for.  
    2. H it Search
    3. Scrolling down you will see the 221st Our Lady Scouts Group, select: Create an Account. 
  1. Register as a Volunteer: after Creating your Account you will be directed into MyScouts. Follow this guide to Register as a Volunteer: 
  2. Have your references ready! You will need to submit 5 references. None of your references can be family members (including that 1st cousin 3x removed) and must be people you have known for 5+ years. It’s recommended to use co-workers, neighbours etc. 
  3. You will also be prompted to sign our code of conduct, please read through it before signing it.

Becoming an Active Scouter:

Interviews: Interviews are the first step of on-boarding, this is where you’ll get to know the canidate, talk about role/group expectations, explain the screening requirements and discuss  Scouts Canada’s Youth Safety Policies.

Police Record Check with Vulnerable Sector Screening:  Clean Police Record Checks are mandatory for all volunteer applicants 18 years of age and older. To see what constitutes a clean PRC please see Section 7 in the Volunteer Screening Procedure. PRC’s need to be recieved specifically for Scouts Canada and less than 90 days old.

Online Learning: We require 2 Courses to be completed online via our online learning platform.

  • Scouting Fundamentals: Learn about our Core Scouting Values, How Scouting Improves the Lives of our Youth, Safe Scouting Adventures and more. (2 hours 20 minutes) 
  • Respect In Sport (for Activity Leaders): Cost $30 Is a third party course designed to make good people better by empowering Scouters to identify and prevent bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination (BAHD) behaviours.  If you have taken Respect in Sport (for Activity Leaders) before from Hockey or other organizations, let us know and we can get the course credited to your account. (2 hours)

Approvals: There are two approvals each Scouter needs, #1 is Group Commisioner Approval (GCap), which is where the GC confirms the canidate is a good fit for the group, and #2 Council Approval (Cap) this is where our registration team goes through and makes sure that all of your screening is completed.

Congrats! You did it! Welcome to Scouting we are thrilled to have you onboard!

Helpful Help Desk Articles: 

Welcome to Scouts Canada
Accessing David Heustis Learning Center
Scouting Fundamentals FAQ
Respect in Sport FAQ’s
PRC-VSS Information

If you have any questions or get stuck anywhere please let me know!

Katja Randall – she/they
Scouting Relationship Manager
Northern Lights Council – Scouts Canada
[email protected]
