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The UCWLC (Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada) is an active group of women in our parish. They do many great works supporting the life and mission of the church. Among the projects that they do they sponsor our children’s program, provide food for a local school’s lunch program, fundraise for the parish and several charities, pinch delicious perogies, clean and decorate, and organize a near weekly fellowship after Liturgies.
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Dormition UCWLC Update
Because of the Covid pandemic, for the present time, there are no plans to have an in-person meeting of our branch. At the August Eparchial UCWLC meeting it was decided to postpone the Biannual Convention to some time in 2022.
A new principal has been assigned to Our Lady of Peace School. In an introductory conversation with him, our branch has offered to continue our support of donations of food bank items along with purchased groceries. Our first shop – donation will take place in October. Any donations of non-perishable food items brought to our church are appreciated and will be delivered to the school.
The executive of the branch has been discussing the possibility of organizing small cohorts of volunteers to make pyrohy for sale. This will depend on the state of the pandemic as time goes on. Perhaps something can be organized in November.
Warmest greetings to all,
Virginia Sharek
UCWLC President