Dormition Parish History

The history of Dormition Parish is the story of Ukrainian Greek-Catholics in Jasper Place, which in the 1950’s, was outside the boundaries of the City of Edmonton. With limited access to the churches of Edmonton and yet desiring to worship God in the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic tradition, and to form a community of faith, a handful of devout and hard working people set out to establish a new church.


In was in December of 1950, when Bishop Neil Savaryn asked Father Demetrius Greschuk, a newly ordained priest who was serving at St. Vladimir’s Parish, to try to organize a new parish in Jasper Place, west of Edmonton. A district pioneer, Mr. Elias Sichkaryk, along with Father Greschuk starting visiting Ukrainian Catholic homes in Jasper Place. The descendants of some of these first pioneers attend the church to this day. Father Greschuk, encouraged by this small but committed group, began serving Divine Liturgies whenever he could. For four years, the group gathered at St. Paul’s School or at St. Anne’s French Roman Catholic Church, and the number of people attending grew. The first six years were a time of getting things established.

On August 28, 1954, an official meeting was held, with the blessing of Bishop Savaryn, to for the Parish Council executive: Chair – John Maksymic; Secretary – Harry Sirman; Treasurer – Bill Kosteniuk. The church was dedicated to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The name would later on be changed to Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God. Vacant farmland was purchased for $2,000.00.

Work progressed to raise funds Parishioners worked bingos, hosted turkey dinners, and did whatever was possible to increase financial resources. In July of 1956, Father Demetrius Greschuk was transferred and, a newly ordained priest, Father Richard Zuback, was assigned as pastor.


In the spring of 1957, a basement was dug and a foundation was set in place. Then, a former United Church acquired was moved to the parish property and set upon the new foundation.  On September 8, 1957, the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated, followed by a dinner at St. Luke’s Catholic School. Later that fall, Father Vasyl Chopey replaced Father Zuback as pastor. Father Chopey personally canvassed local businesses for donations. In short order, a furnace was installed, along with running water and bathrooms in the church basement.

In August 1959, Bishop Savaryn made his first official visit to the parish to celebrate the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. The first Parish Feast Day Dinner was held in the parish basement. That same day, Father Olexei Zachariasewych was installed as the new pastor.

During this stage of development, a branch of the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League was established with ten ladies attending the first meeting on February 22, 1959. The elected executive consisted of: President – Emilie Sirman; Secretary – Midred Zamisky; Treasurer – Mary Orysiuk. By 1960, we had numerous children in our parish, so the UCWL initiated a Ukrainian School, with 30 children present that first year. The first teacher was Roman Ostashewsky, and he was succeeded by Michael Chomiak.


In the 1960’s, the parish entered into a phase of more organized planning for the future. Significant individuals provided important leadership in this endeavour. In 1963, Steve Ostopowich became Parish Council Chair. In 1964, Father Roman Hankewych became pastor. Harry Sirman served as council chair in 1965 and 1966; then in 1967 and 1968, John Lesiuk was elected. In 1969, Steve Ostopowich was re-elected again as parish council chair, and a few months later, Father Bohdan Snihurowych was appointed pastor.


March 1970 marked the beginning of a new period of growth. On that day, the Parish Council invited Bishop Savaryn and an architect to a meeting, at which it was decided to proceed with the building of a new church and a city-subsidized Day Care Centre. On October 9, 1971, the old church was levelled and, on October 16, a sod-turning ceremony took place. Construction began almost immediately afterwards. In the spring of 1972, the Day Care Centre was used for liturgical services. However, it did not take long before the church proper was completed and divine services were celebrated in God’s House.

In September 1978, Steve Ostopowich suddenly passed away while still holding the post of parish council chair. An emergency meeting was held, and Ben Radomski, the 2nd vice-chair, took his place. During Ben’s term, Makarenko Icon Studios were commissioned to provide icons for the sanctuary and side shrines, while a long-time parishioner, Nick Pelech, constructed and installed a new iconostasis.


In 1981, the sanctuary icons were painted by Borys Makarenko. The first iconostasis was constructed by Mykola Pelech, with the icons painted by Volodymyr Savchak.

In 1982 we celebrated the burning of our mortgage – then years earlier than expected. In 1985, Ben Radomski retired from his tenure as chair and Nick Kosteniuk was elected for the next four years.

In October 1988, after serving 19 years at Dormition Parish, Father Snihurowych was transferred to serve at another parish. Father Phil Shinduke took on the responsibility for two parishes – Holy Cross Parish and Dormition Parish. In February 1989, a new parish council was elected and Mike Hnatiuk became the parish council chair.

In September 1989, the Mahia Ukrainian Dance School was established with 27 children enrolled in the first class.


In January 1990, Father Stephen Wojchichowsky was assigned to Dormition Parish to serve as an assistant.

The next major concern was the renovation of the Parish Centre. Withe Father Phil’s encouragement, several meeting were set up with Bishop Greschuk, followed by meeting with the parish membership. A decision was made to terminate the Day Care lease. A building committee was formed consisting of six people, with two co-chairs, Ihor Holinka and Laurence Sirman.

In September 1990, the renovations began. The construction of a completely new large kitchen with new modern appliances, an 16-foot extension to the hall and some major changes in the church were undertaken.

In the early summer of 1991, Father Phil was assigned to serve Holy Cross Parish exclusively, and Father Stephen Wojchichowsky was assigned to serve as the pastor of Dormition Parish. Father Stephen served as pastor from 1991 to September 1998.

Mike Hutniak served as parish council chair from 1989 to 1992. During his time, renovations to the hall and church were completed. The new changes facilitated changes in the life of the parish. Coffee and fellowship took place every Sunday after the Divine Liturgy.

During this time, parish membership increased. Under the direction of Father Stephen, the parish become more knowledgeable in matters of faith and Eastern Christian spirituality. He introduced congregational singing and encouraged everyone to participate in singing the responses. Father Stephen also undertook the mentoring of Deacon Michael Schaplowsky and Subdeacon David Capostinsky. Parish life was very much enriched by Father Stephen’s wife, Dobr. Maria, and their children, Mark, Hania and Andrew. The children were a part of a vibrant and active youth group.

Laurence Sirman serves as parish council chair from 1992 to 1994. Laurence possessed the skills to guide the parish in adapting to the increasing complexity of administering the affairs of a vibrant parish, particularly in financial management.

Simon Pryma served as parish council chair from 1995 to 1996. He was followed by Helen Sirman from 1996 to 1998. Helen was the first woman to be elected parish council chair. During this period, there was a lot of activity. Organizations and programs included: the UCWLC, Little Friends of Jesus, Children of Mary, Altar Servers, Youth Group, and Mahia Dance School. Parish life was filled with worship services, fundraising efforts, cultural and social events. Our parish house was re-shingled. The parish hall was repainted and new cupboards were installed in the kitchen.

Helen Sirman’s term as chair saw us through the transition of changing pastors. The parish hosted a farewell party for Father Stephen in September of 1998, which also served as a welcome party for the new pastor, Father Peter Brezden. In addition to Dormition Parish, Father Peter was also assigned to serve five country parishes.

In February of 1999, Virginia Sharek was elected parish council chair.

A new iconostasis was built in 2002. The parish commissioned Fr. Damian Higgins from the Eparchy of Chicago to paint the icons.